Final Seminar 26 February, 2020
- Joint monitoring program for Koiva/Gauja and Salatsi/Salaca river basin
- Good examples of planned measures in Latvia – integrated life project „Implementation of river basin management plans of Latvia towards good surface water status“
- River Habitat modelling & E-flow estimation
- Introduction of the project „Water bodies without borders (WBWB)“
- Joint action plan of measures for Gauja/Koiva and Salaca/Salatsi river basins
- Installation of small-scale filtration systems
- Economic analysis of water use and cost recovery
- Evaluation of new measures with multi-criteria assessment of alternative options – results for Estonia
- Surface water quality and pressure assessment in Gauja/Koiva and Salaca/Salatsi river basin, potential measures
- Opening of fish migration routes. Estonian experience
- Evaluation of additional measures for significant pressures – results from Latvia
- Good examples of planned measures in Latvia – integrated life project „Implementation of river basin management plans of Latvia towards good surface water status“
Kick – off conference 10 May, 2018
- Joint action plan for Gauja/Koiva & Salaca/Salatsi river basins
- Creation of the joint monitoring program
- EstModel
- VeeVeeb (WaterWeb)
- Current situation on Water management in Latvia
- MesoHABSIM Model Introduction
- WP T1 Assessments for Gauja/Koiva & Salaca/Salatsi river basins
- Surface water monitoring system in Estonia
- The description of the current situation on water management in Estonia